søndag den 24. juli 2011

Dear Norway

Allow me to share my grief for your countrymen, brothers, sisters and children in this moment. Even though our common connection come from the world of beach/volleyball our even bigger Scandinavian relation and community has been hurt.

I only wish that we in time to come can continue our daily lives and strengthen our united values that was the target of this horrific attack. As your prime minister has just said on TV during the live ceremony: "If one person can strike with such hatred. Imagine what so many people can build with love?".

I wish that you as the current and as the future of the Norway can turn this around. Keep on being who you are, and keep on sharing your personalities, your warmth and your openness that has touched me during my journies in Scandinavian volleyball. I very much look forward to that again on the sand or in the hall.

Many times I've been frustrated by the "selvgodhed" (danish verb/slang describing norwegian arrogance over norwegian values and personal ressources). Don't loose that special feeling and innocence.

My Deepest Support
Martin Olafsen

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